Selasa, 02 Oktober 2018


Lust, the sin of pleasure dwells in the heart of mankind. effects the human soul, and as the pleasure it self it will meet wrath, and by wrath come's an offspring of destruction. The cross between pleasure and hatred. It name was Bloodlust.

Know no bound, bloodlust control mankind in every way. One must ressist and other must accept. The demolition of mankind will begun, War will be there and his right arm are none other than bloodlust. Let there be harmony and there be dire. Let there be hearten and there be malice. Let there be peace and there be war. One must not forget, the fate of humanity has been set in the dawn of time, and the fate of humanity defunct in the end of time.

Lust is sin and wrath is sin, world without sin is no world at all.
 All shall exist and all shall perish, world be done and world be over.
none shall know, and none shall will, time will end and time will move.
The one who know is the one above.

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